With osteoarthritis, degenerative-dystrophic changes develop, due to which a deformation and destruction of the joint tissue occurs. Let's take a closer look at the degree of this disease, what symptoms they have, what diet should be followed and how the treatment for osteoarthritis of the hip joint is carried out.
Why is the disease developing?
Osteoarthritis occurs due to the following situations:
- When joints are injured;
- The person is overweight;
- The hip joint is exposed to excessive stress due to the specifics of the work.
- Congenital malformations of the joints;
- When the joints become inflamed;
- When hormonal changes occur in the body;
- When bones are destroyed.
Symptoms of arthrosis
The symptoms of osteoarthritis of the hip joint are different for each degree of the disease:
- In the first degree of osteoarthritis, recurring pain in the hip joint occurs after physical exertion. After the rest, they quickly disappear;
- With the second degree of osteoarthritis, the pain increases and becomes systematic. A person limps while walking. The muscles responsible for motor function of the thigh become weak. Sometimes an x-ray can show the appearance of cysts in the joint area.
- In the third degree of osteoarthritis, the patient feels severe joint pain even when lying down. He cannot walk without a stick. The joint is not functional. The course changes a lot.
To understand the extent of the disease, the doctor needs to conduct a thorough examination of the patient and schedule an X-ray. You will also need to do an ultrasound scan of the affected joint and an arthroscopy.
What is deforming osteoarthritis?
In addition to the usual osteoarthritis, there is often deforming osteoarthritis of the hip joint, which in other words is also referred to as coxarthrosis. The articular cartilage becomes thinner and loses its function as a result of overuse.
Coxarthrosis of the hip joint develops as well as osteoarthritis due to injuries, microcracks, overloading of the joints, obesity, persistent stress, hormonal disorders, joint inflammation and congenital anomalies of the femoral head.
Treatment of diseases of the hip joint
After careful examination of the patient and the research results, an experienced specialist understands the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip joint.

In conservative therapy, it is important to eliminate pain, increase mobility of the joints, improve cartilage nutrition, reduce pressure on the joint, activate blood circulation and strengthen the surrounding tissues and muscles.
The drug treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip joint is based on the intake of vasodilators, muscle relaxants, chondoprotectors and the use of ointments, gels or creams.
In addition, the first two degrees of osteoarthritis are treated with manual therapy, herbal medicine, physiotherapy, reflexology and gymnastics.
If a patient is diagnosed with third degree osteoarthritis, an operation is performed to replace the joint with an endoprosthesis. During this operation, the prosthesis is implanted in the thigh and pelvic bones. After the operation, the patient needs a long period of rehabilitation.
An important point!Treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip joint in the first and second degree should be comprehensive. One method of treatment does not produce the expected results.
It is useful to massage aching joints. Massage is recommended after the acute pain sensations have been completely eliminated. After the operation, massage therapy can only be performed after removing the sutures. In this case, massage should be carried out only by a specialist, independent actions are strictly contraindicated.
Traditional medicine in the treatment of osteoarthritis
In the early stages of osteoarthritis, it is important to restore the motor function of the joint and try to put as little strain on it as possible. It is necessary to treat osteoarthritis with folk remedies under the supervision of a doctor. Be sure to take into account the characteristics of the disease.
Treatment of osteoarthritis with folk remedies:
- Pour boiling water over the milkweed leaves and wrap them in a cheesecloth. The cooled plant is applied to the painful joint;
- Make compresses alternately from white and blue clay. To do this, the clay must be slightly diluted with water and achieve a uniform consistency, which will be used to lubricate painful joints. Wrap the top with foil and warm cloth. Keep it up all nightThe sutra is washed off;
- To improve the production of intra-articular fluid and activate recovery processes, it is useful to perform a therapeutic massage with honey. For such treatment with folk remedies, honey is heated and melted in a water bath. The joint itself is heated with a heating pad. The honey is rubbed in in circular movements. The duration of the massage is no more than 15 minutes. After the procedure, the compound is wrapped with gauze in four layers and isolated with a cloth for three hours. After a while, the honey needs to be washed off with warm water. The treatment lasts 10 times. The first three massages are performed daily and the following ones every other day.
- Pour 200 grams of chopped delphinium roots with boiling water (10 liters). Take a bath for 10 minutes;
- Folk remedies approved the following recipe for the treatment of osteoarthritis. A little bit of cabbage pulp and brush with buckwheat honey. Apply to the painful joint and isolate with foil and cloth. The compress must be done all night;
- Pour celandine leaves (8 tablespoons) with olive oil (1 liter). Close with a tight lid and let it steep for 14 days in a warm place. Then strain and use to rub the joints and massage.
- Grind the washed burdock root. Mix it with honey and drink a tablespoon three times a day before meals.
- Celery (250 grams) should be mixed with lemons (150 grams) and garlic (125 grams). Put the resulting mixture in a glass and pour boiling water (3 liters). Keep the product warm until morning. Drink 70 grams 30 minutes before meals. You may not drink more than three three-liter cans of tincture in one course. Ask your doctor before taking any such remedy.
- Mix pork fat (300 grams) with white bryony (200 grams). Let the mixture simmer over the fire for five minutes. Let cool down. Rub the resulting ointment into sore joints. Be sure to wrap the top with a warm cloth. The procedure is performed at night. The ointment must be kept in a cool place.
- Mix one part juniper and goldenrod with two parts nettle, sage, field horsetail, burdock root and elderflower. Also add some sweet clover, dandelion, mint, fennel, purple flowers, birch leaves, and willow bark. 30 g of the resulting mixture is poured with boiling water (500 ml) and placed in a warm place to infuse for at least 12 hours. Strain and drink 100 grams after meals. Oil cake is used as a compress for diseased joints. If you decide to have an infusion like tea, you cannot drink more than two liters a day.

It is important to remember that it is impossible to treat osteoarthritis of the hip joints with folk remedies alone. It is important to listen to doctors' advice and follow treatment and medication.
Osteoarthritis and nutrition
It is important to monitor your weight to take pressure off your joints. If you have extra pounds, it is recommended that you reconsider the diet. It has to be balanced. The body needs to receive alkaline food.
The diet for osteoarthritis should be as follows:
- drink milk and fermented milk products;
- Satisfy your hunger with bone broth, berries, celery, white cabbage, birch sap;
- Eat honey, pollen, bee bread;
- Eat fresh vegetables and fruits;
- Eat grains as they are high in fiber.
- Use grapefruit, pineapple, or orange juice to quench your thirst.
Baked goods, smoked meat, spicy food and animal fats are strictly prohibited. Do not eat tomatoes, beans, peas, fatty fish and meat.
It is best to eat often, but in small portions.
Try to drink at least two liters of fluids a day.
The diet against osteoarthritis of the hip joint aims to restore the cartilage tissue. Only a balanced diet will help the body get all the building materials it needs for muscle mass.
It is important to eat enough healthy foods without overeating, but to clearly monitor what and how much you eat during the day.
Prevention of osteoarthritis
Every disease is better prevented than cured. Therefore, it is recommended to take preventive measures to prevent the development of osteoarthritis:
- Newborns should be carefully examined by an orthopedic surgeon or surgeon. The earlier a congenital hip dislocation is detected, the faster and more efficiently it can be healed.
- At the first bells of the disease, it is important to see a doctor immediately and do all the examinations in order to diagnose osteoarthritis as early as possible and start treatment.
- Participate in an active lifestyle.
- In addition to a balanced diet, it is important to take food supplements that contain collagen. It is this component that acts on the articular cartilage and restores the ligamentous apparatus.
Now you know what osteoarthritis of the hip joints is, how severe it is and what are the main symptoms. At the first suspicion of osteoarthritis, it is important to consult a doctor in order to immediately begin the correct and effective treatment.
In consultation with the doctor, you can conduct therapy with folk remedies. Most importantly, do not self-medicate and take care of your health.